Investing in Kids (INK!) St. Johns County Comprehensive Needs Assessment Report Release

September 5, 2024by HPCNEF Staff0

From November 2023 to March 2024, Investing in Kids (INK!), the St. Johns Behavioral Health Consortium, and the Health Planning Council of Northeast Florida, Inc. gathered primary data from St. Johns County residents and secondary data spanning the past several years as part of a Comprehensive Needs Assessment. This effort, focused on assessing mental health and well-being, resulted in a detailed Comprehensive Needs Assessment Report, which we are proud to release today.

“[The] Investing in Kids (INK!) comprehensive needs assessment (CNA) utilizes a process of systematically gathering primary and secondary data to research the mental health resiliency and substance use recovery needs of youth and their families in the St. Johns County community to provide the data needed for organizations to develop strategies to address identified key issues.”

In her opening letter, Ms. Cathy Newman, Executive Director of INK!, expressed her deep appreciation for the community’s involvement, stating:

“We are extremely grateful to everyone who shared their voice in surveys, interviews, and focus groups, helping to identify and prioritize the needs of the St. Johns County community. We are especially proud of and thankful for the young people who submitted surveys and participated in focus groups to ensure that this St. Johns County Comprehensive Needs Assessment included the voice and perspective of our youth.”

Read the full report here.


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