Jacksonville Nonprofit Hospital Partnership Community Health Needs Assessment

May 22, 2022by HPCNEF Staff0

The Affordable Care Act requires that nonprofit hospitals conduct Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNAs) to demonstrate their community benefit to maintain their tax-exempt status as per Section 501(r)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. CHNAs allow hospitals to take an in-depth look at the communities they serve to identify and prioritize the most significant and critical unmet health needs of the population using an evidence-based approach.

The needs assessment process is a valuable opportunity for hospitals to collaborate with other health organizations, health systems, and most importantly, people living in northeast Florida. The Jacksonville Nonprofit Hospital Partnership (the Partnership) consists of five health systems and 13 hospital campuses that serve northeast Florida. The Partnership consists of Ascension St. Vincent’s, Baptist Health/Wolfson Children’s Hospital, Brooks Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic in Florida, and UF Health. The Health Planning Council of Northeast Florida (HPCNEF) assembled a multidisciplinary team to produce the 2022 Jacksonville Nonprofit Hospital Partnership Community Health Needs Assessment, which also resulted in 12 hospital reports to meet IRS requirement 501(r)(3).

Click below to view the CHNA Report:

Jacksonville Nonprofit Hospital Partnership CHNA Report 2022

Jacksonville Nonprofit Hospital Partnership CHNA Report 2019

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