Investing in Kids (INK!) Needs Assessment in St. Johns County Underway

November 6, 2023by HPCNEF Staff0

Update: The survey collection phase of this Comprehensive Needs Assessment concluded in March 2024. Read the full report here.


Investing in Kids (INK!) and the St. Johns Behavioral Health Consortium have partnered with us to launch a county-wide Comprehensive Needs Assessment focused on mental health and well-being. INK! and local partners will use this opportunity to identify unmet needs, gain insights into the service population, and make informed decisions to enhance mental health services, with a special focus on youth aged 10 to 18. Together, we can create a healthier and more resilient St. Johns County for children and their families!

St. Johns County residents are encouraged to fill out a short survey on mental health, substance abuse, and the quality of life in their county. Link to adult survey (18 and older) here. Link to youth survey (10-17 years) here.

The surveys can also be downloaded and printed (adult survey PDF and youth survey PDF). Please email completed surveys to Fl*********@hp****.org.

Please help spread the word by sharing this adult survey flyer and youth survey flyer with community partners, colleagues, family, and friends living in St. Johns County.

The survey has been extended to March 31, 2024. All responses are confidential, and while some demographic information from the survey will help us identify any particular groups that need specific services, any responses are completely anonymous.

Email Fl*********@hp****.org for more info.

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