The Northeast Florida Coalition for Access to Healthcare is the re-imagined Uninsured Workgroup. The overarching goal of the coalition is to ensure that local providers and other healthcare partners work collaboratively and identify available local resources to address issues related to access to healthcare.
Practitioners, community workers, and providers interested in ensuring access to quality healthcare in Baker, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Nassau, St. Johns, and Volusia Counties are invited to attend.
Join the NEFCAH Email List!
💻 Zoom Info
Meeting ID: 840 9997 9628
Email Joyce Case at Jo********@HP****.org for the passcode.
Monique Johnson, Policy Manager and Health Educator
Tobacco Free Clay
Menthol Policy Update
This presentation explores the historical context of menthol in tobacco products, delving into its role as a flavor additive and its impact on nicotine addiction. It also examines the governmental strides made toward potentially banning menthol in tobacco products, shedding light on the FDA’s regulatory efforts to address public health concerns related to menthol.
Facebook: @TobaccoFreeClay
Cary Quinones, Program Manager
Health Planning Council of Northeast Florida
ACA Open Enrollment Update
Open Enrollment is here, Medicaid Redetermination (Unwinding) has begun, and the Family Glitch is fixed! Learn how this will impact you, your family, and your coworkers and how the Health Planning Council’s Navigators can help with
Cary is the Program Manager for the ACA Navigator Program at HPCNEF, leading a team of eight navigators across our seven-county service area. Cary’s previous experience as an ACA Marketplace Certified Application Counselor and supervisor at a non-profit federally qualified health center reflects her commitment to effective healthcare solutions.
Jodi Ray, MA, Sr. Consultant for Policy, Advocacy & Medicaid Unwinding
University of South Florida, School of Public Health
Alison Yager, J.D., Executive Director
Florida Health Justice Project
A Collective Response to Florida’s Medicaid Unwinding Process
Co-presenting from the Statewide Unwinding Coalition, Jodi Ray and Alison Yager will provide an update on the state’s collective response to the Unwinding, current conditions, and an Unwinding retrospective of the past year in Florida.
Jodi is the Senior Consultant for Policy, Advocacy & Medicaid Unwinding with Florida Covering Kids & Families. Her expertise is in designing and implementing outreach and enrollment programs in Florida with a focus on health policy and advocacy regarding health care access, equity, and affordability.
Facebook: @USFCollegeofPublicHealth @FLConnectingKidsToCoverage
Instagram: @usfcoph @floridaconnectingkids2coverage
Alison is an attorney with nearly 30 years of experience. She is passionate about addressing the social and political determinants of health that drive health disparities. She is currently the Executive Director of Florida Health Justice Project, a not-for-profit that engages in a range of advocacy strategies to expand health care access and promote health equity. She is a graduate of Swarthmore College and UCLA School of Law’s Program in Public Interest Law and Policy.
Facebook: @FLHealthJustice
❓ If you have questions, please contact Joyce Case, Program Director, at Jo********@HP****.org.
The project described was supported by Funding Opportunity Number NAVCA210430-03-00 from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The contents provided are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of HHS or any of its agencies.